Thursday, February 26, 2015

Research Assessment #2

How To Start A Chiropractic Practice
September 22nd, 2014


"So You Want to Be Your Own Boss..." Entrepreneur. Starting a Buisness, n.d. Web. 18 Sept. 2014. <>


In order to become a successful chiropractor, I must understand the entrepreneurial aspect of what it takes to start and own a business. Being a doctor requires a strong background of financial knowledge as well.  In the article, “So You Want To Be Your Own Boss”, there are eight informative steps to take when starting a business.  These steps are a guide to helping to start a strong foundation on which a good business can be built.

While reading this article I learned, “A [business] plan does not need to be more than one page. As you write down your goals, strategies and action steps, your business becomes real.”  This means to keep your goals simple and clear. In the business world, everything is about time and money.  There is no time for nonsense or to get distracted off on a tangent.  To help keep me focused,  I will create a short list of long term and short term goals.  Mentioning how “the business becomes real”,  it made me think back to something I learned in volleyball a few years ago. Visualization is reality. When you see something over and over in your head it has a strong effect on a positive outcome. Therefore creating these goals and looking over them on a consistent basis will help me mentally prepare to make decisions that work towards those goals.  

Using the “most effective online tools (Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn) “can be fantastic tools to ensure publicity of my business. I never thought how powerful social media can be in promoting a business.  After completing chiropractic college, the first things I will do after securing a facility is to put my name and company all over social media.  In ISM we have created a blog specifically for us to have as a record of our progress and to measure how far we have come. Prior to this year, blogs were completely unfamiliar to me. With the constant updates and formatting tips we learn in class, I feel more confident in my ability to manipulate this type of technology.

After reading this article, I am even more excited for what the future holds. I learned while completing my undergrad in kinesiology, I would benefit by minoring in business. I have been a fan of taking business classes because I enjoy understanding the inner workings of how to make money.  The extra courses I will need to take in order to minor in business will require some more time in college at an extra cost, but I am excited to figure out how to overcome this challenge and achieve my goal.