Thursday, February 26, 2015

Research Assessment #1

Topic: Basics of Chiropractic Medicine
Date: September 15th, 2014

"Chiropractors: Occupational Outlook Handbook 2014-2015 Edition." U.S. Department of Labor. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, n.d. Web. 12 Sept. 2014./ <>.

In order to become a successful chiropractor, I must understand the basics of a chiropractor's job. The article written by the “Bureau of Labor Statistics” on chiropractic medicine has recently brought many meaningful points to my attention. Career outlook, work environment, and classes to enroll in for Chiropractic College are all very important components but often get overlooked.
The career outlook of a chiropractor for the years spanning 2012-2022 is 15% higher than it was for previous generations. The “baby boomers” in 10 years are projected to be between the ages of 65-75 years old. Typically with old age comes weak bone structure and weak muscle fibers. Weak bone structure and muscle fibers create a body that is very prone to injury.  The older the baby boomer generation becomes the greater the need for healers will be including chiropractors, physical therapist, and exercise physiologists.
It is very important to have a welcoming environment to ensure customer loyalty. An engaging office will enhance sales, create consistent customers, promote loyalty, and increase word-of-mouth advertising. Ultimately, if your clients are satisfied and feel welcome in addition to seeing results, then business will grow.  Chiropractors are typically on their feet for “long periods [while] examining and caring for patients” states The Bureau of Labor Statistics. Having a job which requires a lot of time on my feet, I will need to plan my uniform accordingly.  Loose fitting slacks, maybe scrubs, and shoes that offer a lot of support will be necessary.  Hush Puppies or Equalizers shoes would be smart choice for a professional look, and also offer the comfort and support.
While most chiropractic students complete their doctor of chiropractic (D.C) many of the students concentrate on a variety of things such as “sports, neurology, orthopedics, pediatrics, or nutrition” to help give their practice a specific personality. I think this is a fantastic way to set myself apart from other chiropractors. I love the balance between the body and mind and have decided while in chiropractic college I will also be taking classes to study neurology and hypnosis. I feel that understanding how the brain works will directly correlate with how the body works.
After reading this article I realize that this is the perfect job for me. I am very excited to start my journey of chiropractic medicine. The journey might be more arduous than I originally planned because I did not anticipate taking neurology courses while in school. Who knows, maybe taking classes about the mind will open other doors. Whatever happens, I am more than excited to propel into this journey of learning about how the human body works and how to directly impact its components.