Muscle Grade Chart
For the evidence of learning #16, I learned about the muscle grade chart. The chart includes rankings from 1 to 5. Each ranking is a way to measure the success of each muscle type. The definitions for 1 through 3 are only applicable without the force of gravity. To eliminate gravity, we can turn the the patient on their side and take gravity out of the equation. Mastering this chart allows physical therapists to communicate with little words in their report to other physical therapists.
1 *This ranking indicates a positive normal tone of muscle to trace muscle contractions. No movement, but we can see the patients is trying to move. Without gravity.
2- *This ranking indicates there is a slight movement. Maybe only 50% of the patient's maximum range of motion is produced. Without gravity.
2 *This ranking indicates only 75% of the patients maximum motion. Without gravity.
2+ *This ranking indicates the patient can almost move all the way though their maximum range of motion. Without gravity.
3- *This ranking indicates the patient can move all the way though their range of motion but has difficulty maintaining it because it is painful or weak. With gravity.
3 *This ranking indicates the patient can move all the way through their range of motion without any problems. If something as light as a fly lands on he/she the patient will drop almost instantaneously. With gravity.
3+ *This ranking indicates the patient can move all the way through their range of motion. It is able to maintain a one to three second contraction. With gravity.
4- *This ranking indicates the patient can move all the way through their range of motion, however he/she can only hold it up for 3-5 seconds. With gravity.
4 *This ranking indicates the patient can move all the way through their range of motion without any problems. The patient can hold their body part against the PT, but the PT will win.
4+ *This ranking indicates the patient is very close to full health. The only thing he/she is lacking is endurance. This is less than 90% of the strength compared to the opposite extremity.
5 *This ranking indicates he/she is cleared and the patient is ready to resume normal activities.