Sunday, September 28, 2014
Weekly Report #4
September 22th- September 29th
We made an enormous amount of progress in the dynamics of our class this week. We have a great group of students, but not everyone is comfortable enough to participate as much as we can be to get the most out of every class. I suggested we have a party in class! Since our class is during lunch everyone brought food. The party was a big hit! Everyone brought something unique. My favorite were the donuts Tiffanie brought which were the flavors of bacon, Oreo, and M&M. People definitely broke out of the comfort zone and we all got to know each other better. I think this activity will benefit everyone as the class progresses over the year!
On Monday, Mr. Wysong allowed us to start calling contacts from our call log and start setting up interviews. I scheduled an interview with Dr. Milton Mize for Saturday afternoon. Dr. Mize and I met at a Starbucks off of Coit and Spring Creek and spent about an hour discussing his chiropractic business. I felt the interview was fantastic! Not only did I get answers to the questions I had, but Dr. Mize was very helpful in giving me other information I hadn't considered. Although the interview assessments are not due for another few months, I have already typed my assessment while everything was fresh in my mind. I also made contact with Dr. Groves, who is very nice, but very busy. He said he would like to do anything to help and is more than willing to let me interview him. The demands from internships he oversees from Parker University is going to make it difficult for me to squeeze into his schedule. Outside the ISM classroom, this week I announced to everyone that I will be playing volleyball at the University of Massachusetts at Boston. I will be signing my letter of intent in November during the early signing period. I am very excited! UMass Boston has a fantastic science program where I will be majoring in Health Science and Minoring in their Entrepreneur program.
-I spent approximately 4.5 hours on ISM work this week.
Weekly Reports