Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Goals to Accomplish this Year

  • I would like to learn about the mental aspect of healing and how it correlates with the physical adjustment of the body.  
  • I would like to learn about how flexible a chiropractor's work schedule is (week by week).
  • I would like to learn the best thing to major in while completing an undergrad degree.
  • I would like to learn what the most beneficial class in high school is that will help with becoming a chiropractor.
  • I would like to learn what the future outlook for this career is. Will the need for chiropractors rise or drop?
  • I would like to learn how often the salary fluctuates, being that it is a private business.
  • I had a difficult time finding organizations for upcoming chiropractic students to join. I would like to learn about some local clubs and organizations in my area.