January 19th- January 26th
This weekend I finished compiling all the data for my original work. On Saturday, I spent the day analyzing my information and concluded the surface on which athletes trained. Instead, I found a correlation between the repetitive movement required of the sport and the injury that occurred the most. For example, baseball athletes have shoulder and elbow injuries because those are the two parts of the body they use the most. Baseball athletes use their shoulders to pitch and swing at the ball. The overuse in this area causes a higher probability for injury in the shoulder and elbow joint. I collected my data by asking Mrs. McDowell, one of the athletic supervisors for the Frisco Independent School District, to send out my original work survey to all the FISD coaches. Prior to sending out my survey, I was worried I would not receive enough responses. With the help of Mrs. McDowell, I got 59 replies within the first 24 hours! In total I received 98 responses with 51 responses being from coaches of male sports and 49 from female sport coaches.
Every Thursday, Lance has a meeting with the interns and explains a topic of the week. These topics include speed, maximum velocity, and change of direction. For my future evidence of learnings I will write about what I learned at each meeting.
-I spent approximately 12 Hours on ISM work this week.