October 6th- October 13th
The purpose of this week is solely to prepare for business symposium. In class we did exercises to practice networking and practice mock interviews.
On Monday, I decided to skip lunch and work on my ISM portfolio. I put everything in order and organized it according to the rubric. On Monday evening, I called Rickey Richards. He is a very close friend with Michael Johnson of the Michael Johnson Performance Center in Allen. I set up appointment to meet with Rickey Richards on Wednesday, October 15th, at 8:30 am who will then introduce me to Mr. Johnson. Hopefully, this meeting will go well and I will be able to meet the head physical therapist along with Mr. Johnson. On Wednesday, I worked on my research assessment #3. On Friday, we had the business symposium. It was fantastic! I was so comfortable talking and meeting new people. I didn't realize how much I enjoyed talking to people until the symposium came to an end. Meeting people was definitely my favorite part. Networking is similar to putting a puzzle together. Everyone has a piece of information and it is my job to figure out how the pieces all fit together. I am very excited for our next big event!
-I spent approximately 5 hours on ISM work this week.